
Partners in EEDW

EEDW partners are the key to project—and student—success. Each partner group brings additional value to the overall system for helping student prepare for and acquire high-paying jobs in Information Technologies.

ECHS partners

Partnering Early College High Schools are the primary project implementation sites: enrolling students, offering pathway courses, supporting dual enrollment, and helping students succeed in their academic and on-the-job experiences. ECHS leaders also help guide the project implementation to make sure students’ needs are met.

Visit the ECHS partners page

IHE partners

Partnering institutions of higher education provide information technology and cybersecurity coursework for student enrollment. IHEs also provide critical guidance and support for ensuring students will have the opportunity to take the courses they need for certifications and degrees.

Visit the IHE partners page

Business Partners

Business partners play a key role in students’ pathway towards certification and career preparation. Not only will business partners help identify core skills and competencies they need for new employees but also they provide ongoing student mentoring, on-the-job real-life work experiences, and help develop capstone projects for students to demonstrate what they have learned.

Visit the business partners page

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